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Ardvreck Castle: A Glimpse into Scotland's Rich Past

Travellers journeying along the A837 from Inchnadamph have often been intrigued by two captivating ruins at the east end of Loch Assynt. Calda House, a shell of its former self, stands close to the road, while the remnants of Ardvreck Castle lie a little further west, perched on a promontory overlooking the loch.

The History

Constructed around 1490 by the Macleods of Assynt, Ardvreck Castle played a pivotal role in Scottish history, albeit in ignominious circumstances. In 1650, the Marquis of Montrose sought refuge within its walls following his defeat at the Battle of Carbisdale. However, his sanctuary proved fleeting, as he was betrayed and ultimately met a tragic fate in Edinburgh.

The castle's turbulent history continued in 1672 when it was seized by the Mackenzies of Assynt, who replaced it with the more modern Calda House. Tragically, Calda House succumbed to fire in 1737, and despite the Mackenzies' intentions to rebuild, their estates were seized by the Crown following their support of the Jacobite uprising in 1745.

Visiting Ardvreck Castle

Visiting Ardvreck Castle is a must for those eager to explore Scotland's rich heritage. Located near Inchnadamph in Sutherland, it's easily accessible by car. A small parking area off the A837 leads to a short and easy walk to the castle. Meanwhile, a visit to Calda House requires a short walk alongside the road, with caution due to its precarious state.

Exploring The Ruins

While our road trip along route A837 initially led us past this ancient fortress, the allure of its rugged beauty drew us back for a closer look.

Today, Ardvreck Castle stands in ruins, its weathered stones bearing witness to the passage of time. Despite its dilapidated state, the castle remains a popular destination for history enthusiasts and curious travelers alike. Although visitors cannot venture inside the castle's weathered walls (despite seeing multiple pictures of climbers...), the surrounding landscape offers ample opportunities for exploration.

During our visit, we were greeted by the ultimate picturesque morning - wisps of fog dancing across the surface of Loch Assynt with the castle seemingly floating on the water. As the mist gradually dissipated, it unveiled breathtaking views that begged to be captured on camera.

Ardvreck Castle perched on its promontory, surrounded by water.

While Ardvreck Castle takes center stage, nearby ruins add to the allure of the area. The remnants of Calda House stand as a testament to bygone days, offering glimpses into the lives of past inhabitants. Though our time was limited, the presence of these historic sites left a lasting impression, inspiring us to delve deeper into Scotland's rich cultural heritage.

Ruins of Calda House in the distance

Legends Surrounding Ardvreck Castle

Ardvreck Castle, shrouded in mystery and folklore, has captured the imagination of visitors for centuries. One tale whispers of a ghostly figure, said to roam the castle's crumbling walls, haunting those who dare to tread its ancient stones. Some claim to have heard phantom footsteps echoing through the empty halls, while others swear they've glimpsed spectral apparitions drifting through the misty twilight.

Another legend tells of a hidden treasure, buried deep within the castle's grounds by a long-forgotten lord. Treasure hunters have long sought the elusive riches, spurred on by tales of lost gold and precious jewels concealed within Ardvreck's rugged embrace. Yet, despite countless attempts to uncover the secret fortune, the treasure remains as elusive as ever, adding to the castle's enigmatic allure.

But perhaps the most enduring legend of Ardvreck Castle is that of its tragic inhabitants. Stories speak of star-crossed lovers torn apart by fate, their spirits forever bound to the castle's ancient stones. It is said that on moonlit nights, the ghostly couple can be seen wandering hand in hand along the shores of Loch Assynt, eternally searching for each other across the veil of time.

Whether true or merely the product of centuries of storytelling, these tales add an extra layer of intrigue to Ardvreck Castle, inviting visitors to explore its history and unravel the mysteries hidden within its walls.

Ardvreck Castle sitting on it promotory

While the castle may be a mere shadow of its former self, it continues to intrigue and inspire visitors from around the world. Whether you're drawn to its historic significance, its stunning surroundings, or the legends that shroud it in mystery, a visit to Ardvreck Castle promises a memorable journey through Scotland's past.


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