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DIY Essential Oil-Infused Lotion: Customizing Your Favorite Brand for Personalized Skincare

Crafting your own essential oil body lotion is a wonderful way to enhance your skincare routine. If you're drawn to the idea of a personalized body care product but don't want to dive into making lotions from scratch, using a trusted brand as a base is an excellent shortcut. This method allows you to create a unique lotion tailored specifically for body care. While the allure of completely homemade products is strong, the reality involves significant investments of time, money, and space. Not everyone has the resources to buy and store all the necessary ingredients, especially if crafting from scratch is only an occasional hobby. Therefore, customizing a pre-made lotion can be a practical compromise, enabling you to infuse a personal touch into your skincare routine without the overhead of starting from zero.

Bottle of Jergens lotion with a bottle of Immune Aid essential oil sitting on window sill, with a plant to the side of it.

Choosing Your Base Lotion

When selecting the perfect base for your DIY essential oil body lotion, it’s crucial to pick one that harmonizes with your skin type. A lightly scented or unscented lotion serves as the perfect canvas, allowing the natural aromas of your chosen essential oils to stand out without fragrance interference. Personally, I've been a fan of Jergens for years. It's just the right fit for me—it strikes the perfect balance with its consistency, not too thin nor too thick, absorbs beautifully, and thankfully, it’s light on scent, sparing my nose from any overpowering fragrances!

Selecting Your Essential Oils

To truly make your DIY body lotion your own, selecting essential oils that cater to your unique skin needs and preferences is key. Whether you're aiming for relaxation, clarity, or rejuvenation, each essential oil brings its own set of benefits to the table. Here are some popular choices:

  • Lavender: Known for its soothing properties, lavender is perfect for unwinding after a hectic day. Its calming scent helps ease the mind while gently pampering the skin.

  • Tea Tree: Ideal for those with blemish-prone skin, tea tree oil offers clarity with its strong antibacterial properties, keeping your skin smooth and clean.

  • Peppermint: Need a morning pick-me-up? Peppermint oil invigorates the skin, providing a cool, refreshing sensation that's perfect for kicking off your day.

  • Rosehip: For those dealing with dry or mature skin, rosehip is a treasure trove of antioxidants, promoting hydration and skin rejuvenation.

For my own blend, I went with Immune Aid from Plant Therapy—a fantastic blend designed to promote overall wellness and support a healthy immune system. Its subtle yet effective properties make it a staple in my skincare routine, proving that personalization is not just about the fragrance but also about the added health benefits.

Immune Aid essential oil sitting beforea crystal among fake lavender stems.

Materials Needed

  • Lotion

  • Essential oil(s)

  • Mixing bowl

  • Spatula

  • Empty bottle or original container for storage

  • Funnel (optional)

Glass bowl with black spatula resting inside, Immune Aid essential oil, and bottle of Jergens lotion.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Preparation: Begin by thoroughly cleaning and drying your mixing bowl and storage container. This step is crucial to prevent any contamination that could affect the quality of your lotion.

  2. Mixing: Grab about one cup of your chosen lotion and plop it into the mixing bowl. This amount is just right—it's manageable and helps cut down on waste. I found I had about half a container left, so I decided to go all in and use the whole thing. If you’ve whipped up this magic mix before and you love it, feel free to go all in and use the entire container!

  3. Adding Essential Oils: Add 6-10 drops of your selected essential oil(s) to the lotion. If you are using multiple oils, keep the total drops within this range to maintain a balanced scent and effectiveness. Stir the mixture well with your spatula to ensure that the essential oils are evenly distributed throughout the lotion.

  4. Storage: Once your lotion is evenly mixed, use a funnel (if needed) to transfer it back into the original bottle or into your clean jar. Make sure the container is sealed tightly to preserve the freshness and therapeutic properties of the essential oils.

  5. Usage: Apply the custom-infused lotion to your body, adjusting how much you use based on your skin’s hydration needs and how it responds to the new mixture. Enjoy the personalized touch you’ve added to your skincare routine!

  6. Label: After crafting your unique essential oil lotion, it’s important to label it distinctively to differentiate it from its store-bought counterparts. Whether you choose to write directly on tape, use a label maker for a sleek look, or create a fun, customized sticker on your computer to print and apply, make sure your label reflects the personalized nature of your product. This not only adds a creative touch but also helps you remember exactly what’s in your custom blend. Have fun with it and let your creativity shine in every aspect of your DIY skincare!

  7. Clean-up: Scrape every last bit of lotion out of the bowl and off the spatula. Whatever doesn’t make it into the storage container can be a little bonus for your skin—go ahead and rub it in! After that, grab a tissue and wipe down your tools and surfaces. Toss the tissue in the trash rather than rinsing it down the sink to avoid clogging your pipes with lotion residue. Clean and simple!

Tips for Best Results

  • Patch Test: Before fully committing to your new lotion blend, it’s wise to conduct a patch test. Mix a small batch of your lotion with just a drop or two of the essential oil you plan to use, and apply this to a discreet area of your skin. Wait 24 hours to see how your skin reacts. This way, you're not using up all your materials only to discover a sensitivity. A patch test can save both your skin and your supplies!

  • Shelf Life: When you add essential oils to commercial lotions, you can affect their preservative balance, so it's important to use your custom blend within about two months. Keep an eye out for any changes in the lotion's texture, smell, or color, which can all indicate that it's past its prime. Making a note of these changes can help you gauge the actual shelf life of your future batches more accurately, ensuring you always use your lotion at its best.

  • Custom Blends: Embrace your inner alchemist by experimenting with various essential oils to craft blends that cater specifically to your needs. Start by considering what you want from your lotion—relaxation, rejuvenation, or perhaps a specific therapeutic benefit. For example, create a calming nighttime blend with lavender and chamomile, known for their soothing properties, or whip up a morning revitalizer with grapefruit and peppermint to kickstart your day. Documenting your recipes and the effects each has on your skin will help refine your blends over time, making each batch better suited to your personal skincare goals.

This approach not only simplifies the lotion-making process but also ensures that your body care regimen is perfectly suited to your skin’s requirements and your personal scent preferences. Enjoy crafting a lotion that not only moisturizes but also pampers and protects your skin with every application.


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