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DIY Gentle Jewelry Cleaning for Sparkling Gems: Simple Recipe

Hey DIY enthusiasts! Today, we're delving into the wonderful world of DIY jewelry cleaners with a solution that's both gentle and effective, promising to give your gems that sparkling new look. Say farewell to those costly store-bought cleaners and say hello to a wallet-friendly, homemade alternative that's safe for all your cherished pieces. And guess what? I'd bet my last crafting bead that you've got all the ingredients you need right in your kitchen cupboard. Let's dive in!

Why DIY Jewelry Cleaner?

DIY jewelry cleaner isn't just cost-effective; it also provides peace of mind, knowing precisely what ingredients are used. With this gentle recipe, you can safely clean various jewelry pieces without worrying about damaging porous materials or delicate gemstones.

I tend not to remove certain pieces of jewelry, like my earring studs, so they often accumulate shampoo and conditioner, filling the grooves and appearing dull (and super gross!). (I hope it's not just me with this bad habit!)

Earring with gunk under the stone and in crevices of the metal. Words "ewww" and an arrow pointing at the gunk.

The Importance of Gentle Jewelry Cleaning

Using corrosive or abrasive materials in your jewelry cleaner can cause irreparable damage to your precious pieces. Harsh chemicals may corrode metals, while abrasive substances can scratch or dull gemstones. It's essential to choose gentle cleaning solutions to ensure the longevity and beauty of your jewelry.

Recipe: Gentle Soap & Water Solution


  • 1 tablespoon mild dish soap - I prefer Castile or Dawn

  • 1 cup warm water - I personally use distilled water whenever I can


  1. Mix the dish soap and warm water in a small bowl until well combined.

  2. Place your jewelry in the solution and let it soak for 10-15 minutes.

  3. After soaking, use a new soft toothbrush or jewelry brush to gently scrub your jewelry, paying special attention to any hard-to-reach areas or intricate designs.

  4. Rinse your jewelry under lukewarm water to remove any soap residue.

  5. Pat dry with a clean, lint-free cloth or let air dry.

I had a jewelry cleaner container from the jewelers (with really dirty cleaner inside) that I washed out and used for this project. It came with everything I needed, including a small basket to hold the jewelry in the cleaning solution and a nifty tiny brush for scrubbing away debris.

I also make sure to use a basket with small enough holes or place a towel over the sink drain when I rinse. This ensures that if I drop my jewelry, it won't go down the drain!

Sink basket "stopper" - to prevent small items from going down the drain.

The Importance of Professional Care

While DIY cleaning is great for regular maintenance, it's also essential to have your jewelry professionally inspected and cleaned by a jeweler every so often. A jeweler can assess the condition of your pieces, check for loose stones or damaged settings, and provide deep cleaning and polishing to restore their brilliance.

Final Thoughts:

With this simple DIY jewelry cleaner recipe, you can keep your precious pieces looking their best without the need for harsh chemicals or abrasive materials. Regular cleaning using this gentle solution will help maintain the beauty and shine of your jewelry for years to come.

Comparison of earrings pre and post cleaning.

Remember, when it comes to cleaning your jewelry, gentle is always best. Avoid using corrosive or abrasive materials that can damage your treasures, and opt for gentle solutions like this one to ensure your jewelry stays sparkling and beautiful.

And don't forget to schedule regular visits to your jeweler for professional care and maintenance. With a little love and attention, your jewelry will continue to shine bright for generations to come.

Two rings and a pair of diamond earrings, cleaned and sparkling.

Happy cleaning, and may your jewelry always sparkle and shine! ✨


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