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Harmonious Brew: Lavender Infused Coffee with a French Press

Ah, lavender coffee, now that's a brew worth talking about! Picture this: the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the sweet, floral notes of lavender. It's like a sensory symphony in your cup. Brewing lavender coffee with a French press and using home-grown lavender? Now, that's a delightful twist on this aromatic concoction!

A coffee mug with 'coffee before talkie' written on it, filled with coffee. A glass jar, offset to the right of the mug, contains lavender buds. Behind the coffee mug, there are paper-wrapped lavender stems

Lavender: Nature's Tranquil Touch

Let's talk about the star of the show: lavender. Not only does it add a unique flavor profile to your coffee, but it also brings a whole host of benefits. Lavender is known for its calming properties, so sipping on lavender-infused coffee might just be the perfect way to start your day on a serene note. Now, you might be thinking, 'Wait, lavender equals serene and coffee equals energy, so do they cancel each other out?'

The Delightful Duality

Granted, lavender is renowned for its ability to promote relaxation, while coffee is often associated with that much-needed morning jolt to kickstart your day. But when you bring them together, they create a beautiful balance. Picture this: the soothing scent of lavender mingling with the invigorating aroma of freshly brewed coffee. It's like finding your zen in a cup of joe.

So, rather than canceling each other out, they actually complement each other quite nicely, creating a balanced experience that awakens your senses while also providing a touch of tranquility. It's the perfect harmony of energy and relaxation, setting the tone for a serene yet productive day ahead. Cheers to the delightful duality of lavender-infused coffee!

Home-Grown Lavender Love

There's something incredibly rewarding about using ingredients you've nurtured yourself. You know how each time you harvest those lavender buds, there's only so much you can do with them, so why not expand to your coffee? Just make sure your lavender is culinary grade and pesticide-free. You want to ensure that the flavor it imparts to your coffee is pure and free from any unwanted chemicals.

The Perfect Lavender-Coffee Balance

Finding the perfect balance of lavender to coffee is key to ensuring that the floral notes enhance rather than overpower the brew. Start with about 1 tablespoon of lavender for every 4 tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee beans. This ratio should give you a subtle hint of lavender without overwhelming the coffee's natural flavors. Of course, feel free to adjust according to your taste preferences. If you prefer a stronger lavender flavor, you can increase the amount of lavender slightly, but be cautious not to overdo it.

Remember, lavender can be quite potent, so a little goes a long way. It's always easier to add more lavender if needed, than to try to dilute an overly strong brew (my own oopsie, lol 🙈🤢) . And don't forget to experiment! Brewing coffee is as much an art as it is a science, so feel free to tweak the ratio until you find your perfect cup. Happy brewing!

Brewing with French Press

Now, onto the French press brewing method, a fantastic choice for brewing lavender coffee because it allows for full immersion and extraction of both the coffee and lavender flavors. You'll want to start with your favorite high-quality coffee beans - whether it's a rich dark roast or a smooth medium roast, the choice is yours.

Here's a simple recipe to get you started:


  • Freshly ground coffee beans, dependent on French press size and amount brewing

  • Lavender buds

  • Water

French Press Brewing Method:

  1. Start by boiling water and then let it cool slightly for a minute or two. The ideal temperature for brewing coffee in a French press is around 200°F (93°C). Alternatively, you can use a thermometer to ensure the water reaches the desired temperature.

  2. While the water is heating, grind your coffee beans to a coarse consistency. Aim for a ratio of about 1 tablespoon of coarsely ground coffee beans to every 6 ounces of water. Adjust the amount of coffee based on your preferred strength.

  3. Add the coffee grounds to the French press, followed by the dried lavender. Aim for a ratio of about 1 tablespoon of dried lavender to every 4 tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee beans. This ratio should give you a subtle hint of lavender without overpowering the coffee's flavor.

  4. Once the water has reached the right temperature, pour it over the coffee and lavender in the French press. Use a circular motion to ensure all the grounds are evenly saturated.

  5. Place the lid on your French press with the plunger pulled all the way up to trap the heat. Let the coffee steep for about 4 minutes. This allows time for the flavors to mingle and develop.

  6. After the steeping time is up, slowly press down the plunger to separate the grounds and lavender from the brewed coffee. Be gentle to avoid over-extraction, which can result in a bitter taste.

  7. Pour yourself a cup, take a moment to savor the aroma, and enjoy your home-grown lavender-infused coffee!

With this method, you'll be able to fully appreciate the subtle floral notes of your home-grown lavender, perfectly complementing the rich flavors of your coffee. It's a wonderful way to bring a touch of your garden into your morning routine.

Don't have a French press? No problem. You can add lavender to any method of coffee brewing. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Drip Coffee Maker: Simply add a teaspoon of dried culinary lavender to the coffee grounds in your drip coffee maker before brewing. The hot water will extract the lavender's flavor along with the coffee, creating a fragrant and aromatic brew.

  2. Pour-Over Method: If you prefer the pour-over method, place a teaspoon of dried lavender in your coffee filter along with the ground coffee. Pour hot water over the grounds and lavender as usual, allowing the flavors to infuse as the coffee drips into your cup.

  3. Espresso Machine: For espresso lovers, you can infuse lavender into your espresso shots by adding a pinch of dried lavender to the portafilter along with the coffee grounds. Brew the espresso as usual, and enjoy the subtle floral notes in each sip.

  4. Aeropress: In the Aeropress, add a teaspoon of dried lavender to the chamber along with the coffee grounds before brewing. The pressure from pressing the coffee will extract the lavender's flavor, resulting in a unique and aromatic cup of coffee.

  5. Cold Brew: For cold brew enthusiasts, you can infuse lavender into your cold brew concentrate by adding a few teaspoons of dried lavender to the coffee grounds before steeping in cold water overnight. Strain the lavender out before serving, and enjoy the refreshing and floral cold brew.

No matter which method you choose, adding lavender to your coffee brewing process can elevate your cup to a whole new level of aroma and flavor. Experiment with different brewing methods and lavender-to-coffee ratios to find the perfect balance for your taste preferences. Happy brewing!


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