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Holiday Family Bingo - The "Oh, That's So Wrong" But So Funny!!

Do you ever dread the upcoming holiday family gathering? Weeks before even going, you find yourself telling someone, "I know Aunt Marge is going to say...", or "Uncle Vernon is going to...", etc. etc.. You know, because it happens every time!! Literally. Every. Single. Time. You might even be able to time exactly when someone is going to do or say something. Groundhog’s Day 🙈!

What if there was a way to make things more interesting? There is! Family Gathering BINGO. You heard me correctly. A bingo game – and nothing like what your grandmother plays in the senior center with her friends.

I was out to dinner with some friends and we had an upcoming party that we were all attending. As with anything, we started talking about what was going to happen at the party (like I said, some things happen every time). Then we were like, “let’s make a game!” We had heard of Walmart Bingo before, so we decided to do our own version.

We wrote everything down on the napkins at our table and then took a pic and sent to everyone. I can’t tell you if we had more fun making up actions and comments we were expecting to happen, or the experience itself. It also made the party that more interesting.

I’m definitely not saying the party would have been bad otherwise, on the contrary. But sometimes a little something extra helps, and this game was ‘it’.

It was also fun to see who was able to check off which items, because no one can be around for everything that happens at a party. The winner? Bragging rights! Yeah a bit anticlimactic, but for us it was gold.

I’m a bit more sophisticated now (hehe, yeh right!) and actually built up an Excel work doc with various quips and quirks. Everyone now gets a unique bingo card. Now we’re talking – it’s almost like a real game! Unfortunately I am unable to post an Excel doc with macros here (which changes every time and is pretty cool since it's the first one I've ever built), so I created 12 unique cards into the doc itself.

Download Family Gathering Bingo cards here.



Office Party Bingo

The same concept can be applied to various settings, like an Office Party! I also created those (I had such a laugh coming up with things that I thought could happen – largely from movies though). 😈hehe. Strangely enough there was a lot of cross-over from the family one because I can totally see that happening!

Download Office Party Bingo card here.


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