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Ensuring Your Fur-Baby's Well-Being: Pet Sitter Information Sheet

For years, our beloved fur-baby has enjoyed the delights of doggy daycare—socializing, playing, and simply living his best life. It was the obvious choice for his pampering while we vacationed. However, since our move overseas, finding the same level of care has proven challenging. Unless you're willing to shell out top dollar for a private suite and such, your furry friend may find themselves confined to a dreary cinderblock cell, devoid of playtime with fellow pets and minimal human interaction. It's been one of the most disappointing aspects of our relocation.

Fortunately, we've been fortunate enough to connect with friends and acquaintances who offer pet-sitting services. Plus, there's a plethora of pet-sitting apps available (though we've yet to try them).

As pet owners, we often overlook certain details, such as where to store the dog food or whether our pet has a penchant for raiding the trash or unrolling entire rolls of toilet paper behind our backs. Do they have quirky habits like sneaking under your legs from behind and standing there (Dagger's favorite spot!)? This information is invaluable for new sitters entering your home.

Instead of scribbling down a list each time a sitter arrives—risking the chance of forgetting something—why not pre-fill a Sitter List and keep it handy? You could even email it to the sitter in advance so they can review it and address any queries they may have. Personally, I keep a laminated copy on my fridge. Yes, I own my own laminator—pretty nifty, huh? 😄

Image of a pet sitter information sheet.

Download Pet Sitter Information Sheet here.

Rule of Advice: Trust those who will be staying in your home. You don't want to spend your time away constantly worrying about the well-being of your furry friends, your home, and your belongings.


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