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Simple, Healthy Dog Treats – “You’re Making Me Bananas!”

My personal fondness for bananas has a brief window. I prefer them when they're bright yellow with a hint of green for optimal flavor. Unfortunately, they tend to ripen too quickly for me to consume them all, often ending up wasted unless I use them for banana bread when they're nearly overripe.

My dog adores bananas, and I'm selective about the human foods I share with him, mainly fruits and veggies. Combining bananas with his love for ice cubes led me to create frozen banana treats.

Bananas are a nutritious, low-calorie snack for dogs, rich in potassium, biotin, fiber, and copper. However, moderation is key, so I needed a way to store these treats.

Banana Prep

When prepping, I thought about slicing the bananas into bite-sized chunks and putting them in a freezer-safe container. But bananas tend to be sticky, making them clump together into a solid lump. To dodge this issue (and a potential safety hazard—my sister once cut herself trying to pry apart frozen bananas), I went with wax paper.

What you Need:

  • Wax paper

  • Cutting board

  • Knife

  • Bananas

Black countertop with a pink cutting board on top. On the cutting board are a box of wax paper, several bananas, and a knife.

I meticulously cut sheets of wax paper, attempting to achieve uniformity (a futile effort). Annoyingly, the built-in razor edge tore every piece

Unable to tolerate this, I inverted the box, using its surface to stabilize the paper and razor. It worked like a charm!

Of course, I didn't waste the torn pieces; I put them to good use! After gathering a few sheets, I folded them in half.

Cut the banana into uniform sizes, then place them on one half of the wax paper. Fold the other half over to cover them.

Until the banana is frozen, the paper remains quite flimsy. To provide a firmer surface for all the sheets, I opted to use cardboard boxes that were set for recycling.

I grabbed a small box, intending to use just the flat surface of the lid. Surprisingly, the entire box turned out to be perfect. However, using just the lid for a sturdier surface would suffice.

Once I finished slicing and arranging all the bananas, I placed the full sheets onto the box surface and froze them this way. Once frozen, I removed the box, as the sheets were now sturdy enough on their own.

When it's treat time for my pup, I simply pull some bananas off the wax paper and place them in his bowl.

Now, I don’t have to worry about overfeeding my pup or my bananas rotting before being eaten! Plus, if I want to enjoy some myself, maybe in cereal or oatmeal, I can. Isn’t that a treat?


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