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UK Relocation Guide

Almost two years ago (end of 2019) we moved to the U.K. from the U.S. Since it was for work, we were given a "relocating guide" to help us with the transition. Boy, what a joke. This guide was pages and pages of personal opinion, not fact (serious pet peeve...though I did add one section of personal experience to the end of my guide), outdated material, and literally not much info on stuff we actually needed or wanted to know.

It's probably the neurotic in me since I write technical guides literally in every job I have. It's not because I'm asked to nor is it part of my job - nope, I do it because I want to. I do it so others can come in behind me and do the job needed, whether that's training a new-hire, filling in for you while on leave, or just leaving it a better organization when you depart.

London Eye with people on the bridge below

When we arrived in the UK, my own job was in limbo as I awaited some additional approval (which never came so I lost my job - but that's another story). So since I had some time on my hands while sitting in temporary housing, I rewrote the 'relocating guide'. Weeks of research and writing; call me crazy, but it was super fun to pull it together and make something worthwhile.

I was super nice and gave my work to my hubby's employer; hoping that it will be valuable to future employees for a smoother transition.

In the meantime, I decided that it could be helpful for others as well, minus the company information. So I edited the guide to omit that nonsense and voìlà, a new guide to help you with your own transition!

You can download the UK Relocation Guide here.


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