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Welcome to Smoo Cave: Scotland's Coastal Adventure

Alright, adventurers! Today, we're off to Smoo Cave – tucked away at the eastern end of Durness. The name "Smoo" is said to come from the Old Norse word "Smuga," meaning "hiding place." It was indeed a clever spot for ancient communities to lay low, with its narrow inlet from the north.

Smoo Cave's Mysteries

Legend has it that Smoo Cave wasn't just a hiding spot for ancient communities – it was also believed to be the Devil's residence! Spooky, right? Some say you can still hear eerie whispers echoing through the caverns, and that the shadows dance with a life of their own. And if that's not enough to send shivers down your spine, keep an eye out for hidden entrances to illicit whisky stills operated by daring smugglers. Who knows what treasures – or secrets – lie waiting to be discovered in the depths of Smoo Cave?

Traces of History

But that's not all – oh no. Traces of a Viking-era fishing and shipbuilding community have been found here, adding another layer to the cave's fascinating history. These rugged shores were once home to fearless sailors and intrepid explorers, their tales woven into the very fabric of Smoo Cave.

To read more about the excavation of four caves, check it out here; trust me, it's pretty fascinating!

Geological Wonders

Now, let's talk geology! As you descend the steps, you'll spot the inlet running north to the sea. But wait until you reach the foot – there lies the main attraction, the massive mouth of Smoo Cave itself. Crossing the river via a footbridge, you'll enter the first chamber, a spacious cavern shaped by the sea. It's a whopping 200 feet long, 130 feet wide, and 50 feet high at the entrance – quite the natural mansion!

Waterfall cascading into the sinkhole at Smoo Cave

Now, here's where things get really interesting. The second and third chambers of Smoo Cave were actually created by the action of the freshwater Allt Smoo. There's a covered walkway leading to the mist and roar of a 60 ft waterfall caused by the river dropping into its sinkhole. It's like Mother Nature's own waterpark! During summer, you might snag a boat tour into the third chamber.

As you make your way back to the car park, don't forget to stop and take in the view from the wooden bridge across the Allt Smoo. And keep your eyes peeled for blowholes in the roof of the cave – you never know what secrets they might hold.

Planning Your Visit

Now that I've piqued your interest, you're probably wondering how to experience Smoo Cave for yourself. Fear not, for I have some tips to ensure your visit is nothing short of magical:

  • Timing is Key: The cave is accessible year-round, but to truly appreciate its beauty, consider visiting during low tide when you can explore both the sea and freshwater sections.

  • Prepare for Adventure: While Smoo Cave is relatively easy to access, it does involve some walking and stair-climbing. Be sure to wear sturdy footwear and bring a flashlight to illuminate the darker corners of the cave.

  • Respect Nature: As with any natural attraction, it's important to leave no trace and respect the fragile ecosystem of the cave. Take nothing but memories and leave nothing but footprints behind.

In our adventure here we experienced sun and warmth to hail within seconds. We had to hide under a massive rock structure for a time since we had left the cave. So make sure you're prepared for everything when you come here.

Time to Explore!

So there you have it, folks – Smoo Cave in all its glory. Whether you're a history buff, a nature lover, or just someone looking for a good old-fashioned adventure, this place has something for everyone. So pack your bags, lace up your boots, and get ready to explore


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